The Prince and the Serpent


  • What is happening in this scene?
  • What is the woman doing? Why is she there? Why is she sitting down? Is she afraid?
  • Where did the serpent come from? Where does it live?
  • Why is the prince wielding a sword? Is this an ordinary sword? Why is he wearing a red cloak? How do you know that he’s a prince?
  • Has this prince fought other creatures before?
  • Is he brave?
  • What thoughts might be going through his head at this moment?
  • What do you think is going to happen next?

Writing opportunities:

  • Write a character description of the prince. Include details about his appearance and his personality.
  • Describe the serpent. Consider its appearance, how it moves, the sounds it makes and the actions it might take.
  • Write a story that includes this scene. Will you use this scene at the beginning, in the middle or at the end? Why?
  • Write about this event as a scene in a play script, and then act it out with your friends.

Credit: SnowSkadi

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 09:36h, 02 March Reply

    Why is there a woman sitting in the corner

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 15:12h, 21 April Reply

    As the Scarabasck flew into the misty air, Sir Smith lunged at the treacherous serpent. The Bloodlust Sword glowed and hummed into the pitch-black sky. The brave knight was face to face with the ferocious monster. It let out a mighty roar which sent our hero plummeting to the ground. In fear of defeat our knight fled…

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