Does Not Work


  • What is the man doing?
  • Why is he holding a carrot on a fishing rod?
  • Why isn’t the cat looking at the carrot?
  • What ‘does not work’?
  • Does the cat have an owner? Who do you think it might be?
  • Is the cat unusually large, or is the man unusually small?
  • Who is the man?
  • What does his appearance tell you about his character? What about his actions?



  • Look at the picture below: What’s similar and what’s different?
  • Do the cat and the dog know each other? Do the men?
  • Write a story inspired by these pictures.



Credit: Oscar Ramos and Javier Martinez
Agency: Porta – Chile
Creative team: Manuel Manquepi, Hernán Ramos, Francisco Pérez
Website – not all appropriate for children

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