Describe this setting [things to consider]:
- What can you see? [colour, shade, light and shadow, shape of the trees, how the water is moving through the rocks…]
- What does it sound like? [water, sound of footsteps on the moss, wildlife, your own breathing…]
- What can you smell? [water, grass, moss, tree bark]
- What can you feel? [water droplets, moss, grass, bark, warmth of sunlight]
- How does the photograph make you feel?
- Have you ever been anywhere like this?
- Where do you think this is?
Credit: Adrian Borda
Jacob Roberts year 5
Posted at 14:04h, 21 AprilI can see a little lite of an emarald green trees i can see the moisturised branches of paridise I I can hear the sound of magic gusts of wind which whisper the words of truth I can smell the fresh cent of the dark white water I can feel the sun on my face like a boiling kettle touching your face like its trying to tell you something this makes me feel like there is no forest better I’ve never been to a place so buetiful I think this is in a different world
Posted at 21:39h, 21 AprilJacob, I love ‘gusts of wind which whisper the words of truth’ – beautiful description. 😊
Posted at 15:44h, 05 FebruaryI can see trees with a great waterfall