- What is the boy doing?
- Who are the other people in the background?
- Where are they?
- What time of day is it? How do you know?
- Why are the people all here so late?
- Why does one man have his arm in the air? Why does a woman have her hand to her face? What might they be saying?
- Why is the flower the only source of colour in this picture? What is the significance of the red against black, white and grey?
- Can you tell anything about how the boy is feeling?
- Where is he going?
- What is he going to do with the flower?
- Why is the picture called ‘Moon Garden’?
After discussing and exploring the picture, share the following two and use them to tell the story.

Credit: Jen Betton
Posted at 12:44h, 29 MarchI needed that flower. Night by night, I crept out to see it. The villagers warned me. I didn’t listen. Then one night I decided I would do it. I hurtled towards it and snatched it up. I didn’t know what was to come. But now I knew. The floor split. I tumbled down, down, down.
18 years later a girl was hunting for fossils. She dug up the rotting body. The curse was placed upon her. Carried down in the family, after producing a child, the woman instantly died. Now you know the truth.
Posted at 03:07h, 02 JuneI like your place of words and descriptions.
Jessica Gutierrez
Posted at 15:59h, 28 JanuaryThe theme or lesson of this story is that no kids or family have to be seperated because it would be so dangerous and sad to lose a family member because you always have to have someone that cares and loves you no matter what the lesson is to always be together.