Ryders of the Realm


  • Describe this setting. How would you describe the buildings? The landscape in the background?
  • What is a realm? What does ‘ryders’ mean? Why is it spelt in this way?
  • Where is this?
  • Who lives here?
  • Can anyone enter?
  • Who is the person in the foreground? Where have they come from? Why are they standing here?
  • Why do they have a horse with them? Does the horse belong to them?
  • Tell the story to match this picture. Consider your characters, settings (including this one) and plot (does a hero go on a quest?).


Credit: Matt Rockefeller

  • Mikey Sargeant
    Posted at 01:16h, 08 August Reply


  • Anonymous
    Posted at 00:32h, 14 August Reply

    good very good

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