- How are the owls related?
- Which owl is about to take its first flight? How do you know?
- How does the young owl feel about flying?
- What might it be thinking? Add a thought bubble to the picture.
- Is the older owl worried?
- What advice might the older owl give to the younger one?
- Write ‘An Owl’s Guide to Flying’, to be used by younger owls before their first flight. Perhaps you’ll include an explanation of how flying works, the biology of wings, instructions, training advice, tips and warnings… How will you make it informative and entertaining?
- Think of the first time you did something new. How did you feel about it? What emotional journey did you go on? Plot your feelings on a graph.
- If trying new things is scary, does that mean you should never try them?
- Compare this image to this one: I Believe I Can. What’s similar and what’s different?
Credit: Goro Fujita
Posted at 20:35h, 23 FebruaryThis is such a cute picture
Posted at 15:19h, 24 February“Big brother…” stuttered the minuscule, chattery owl, “how ever will I fly? My wings are barely big and I believe that balancing with my weight, I’ll fall!”
“You shouldn’t worry. Almost our whole town said that when it was their turn. Just fly.” The little, shuddering owl took a deep, long-lasting breath. FWOOP!
“Little brother? Junior? Baby Owl?” The big owl’s eyes started to flood with rivers of sorrow.
Just then, little owl’s voice bellowed,”Woo hoo!”
Posted at 19:54h, 24 FebruaryPhew! I had some tears of sorrow myself for a moment!
Posted at 14:50h, 24 FebruaryMy first flight so terrifying.Staring down at the real world is like falling of a cliff,but i know I’m not alone I have nature,family,home they will guide me through this great adventure called life.I will conquer it I will stand beside it if it needs me to fight for it.I will forever live even if this step into the big world fails because I have love and peace in my heart and nothing is stronger.This flight is mine to take control of it.Its time for me to shine.
Posted at 15:05h, 24 FebruaryDear diary,
Today was the day. The day I learned to fly! I was so scared. I’d never flown before and I thought it would be a breeze, but it really wasn’t. Everything seemed so far away; so small, like tiny ants. Daddy told me I would be able to fly first try. I’m worried I’d let him down. I jumped, spread my wings and… I DID IT! I actually did it! All this time I was dreading it, but it’s now the best day of my life. No more walking or being carried by mum! I was a big boy now!
That was my favourite day (for now) written on one page.
P.s tomorrow will probably be my new favourite day.
Posted at 15:09h, 24 FebruaryThe day had come. Time to fly for Hoot. “Um, mum. I ,um, don’t , um, want to ,er, fly.” He stuttered to his mum. He wanted to live a life with his claws safely on the ground.
That’s the story of the owl who didn’t want to fly.
Posted at 08:25h, 25 FebruaryI think that the little owl is about to take flight because he looks quite nervous.
Posted at 15:16h, 27 FebruaryI think that the two owls are related. Maybe it is a chick and it’s grandfather is teaching the young to fly, as he looks very wise and the younger owl looks scared. It looks like he has never flown before from the look on his face.
Posted at 01:49h, 19 Junewhy is this so cute
Posted at 01:54h, 19 Junemum and kid
Posted at 02:00h, 19 June1. they are mummy and baby
2. the is first flight. I know this because….
3.the baby owl is scared to fly
By Sammy
Posted at 02:00h, 19 June1.they are mum and baby.
2.the little owl is takeing its first flight.i know this because he is looking down and he looks scared.
3.I think the little owl is terrified and doesent want to fly.
by Maddison d
Posted at 02:01h, 19 June1: mum/child. 2: i know because he looks worryed 3:worryed by ben/wyatt
Posted at 01:06h, 20 June4 i think the little owl thinking its going to die
5 the older owl is not worried because she looks like she is relaxed
6 the older owls advice is DON”T LOOK DOWN!
Posted at 01:07h, 20 June4.I think bob the baby owl thinks he’s going to DIE!
5. the mum is relaxed.
Posted at 01:07h, 20 June4; i think it is worryed because it might die 5;the mum owl is not worryed because it is joyfull its child is going flying 6;the mums advise is dont look down fly like a pigeon by wyatt
by Levi
Posted at 01:38h, 21 June1. The Owles are related to each other because one of them is the parent and the other one is the child.
2. The little owl is going to take his first I know this because flight so he knows how to fly when he is an adult.
3. The little owl looks scared for his first flight because he has never flew before.
4. The litte owl is thinking that it does not want to fly.It has to but it doesn’t want to.
Posted at 01:38h, 21 Junethe owls are mother and child
2. the little owl is going to take it”s first flight because it looks scared
3.the little is feeling a little bit nevous because the look on his face
4.the little owl is thinking how am i going to fly
by Lou-Ann
Posted at 01:39h, 21 June1.the owls are related because they have the same beak
2.the little owl is and he looks scared
3. the little owl is scared
4 the little owl is thinking I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!
by peyton (‘
Posted at 01:40h, 21 June1. the owls are related because there mother and baby.
2.the little owl is decause his the baby.
3. the little owl is nervous.
4. the little owl is thinking Im going to DIE! by alecia
Posted at 01:40h, 21 Junethe owls are related to each because they are mum and her chiled
the little is going to take its first flight i know decause he looks scared
he might be scard for his first flight .
he might not want to fly
by marco
Posted at 01:42h, 21 June1. The Owls Are Mother And Baby
2. The Baby Owl Is Going To Take His/Her First Flight .
3. The small owl is nervous
4. The small owl is thinking i`m going to die!
Posted at 01:44h, 21 June1.the owls are relateid beacse thay are mum and baby
2.the little owl is beacse of his face.
3.the little owl is scared.
4. i think the little owl is thinking it is to high.
by tamika
Posted at 00:21h, 22 AugustIt was time for me to take flight. My mum was beside me I was so afraid even when she is with me she was smiling she new it was time I knew it was time I jumped used my wigs I was so scared “Hoot” I was flying a rush of excitement went through me I was so happy I can fly. Wait I can go out on my own now meet other birds do other things.
It’s day two I’m off on my own exploring the real world it is so much fun.