
  Describe this setting. How would you describe the buildings? The landscape in the background? What is a realm? What does 'ryders' mean? Why is it spelt in this way? Where is this? Who lives here? Can anyone enter? Who is the person in the...

  Is anyone in the car? Why is the owl sitting on the top of it? Why is the owl so large? Has it done this before? Where is it going? How long has it been travelling for? Is this the best way for an...

  What are the children doing? Where do you think this is? When do you think this is? Why aren't there many people here? How do you feel when you look at this picture? What about if you imagine yourself being there? Why do you...

How would you describe this setting? Now try describing it without using the words 'rocks', 'green' or 'clouds'. Why is the title 'Beyond The Clouds'? Do people come here? How would they travel? Does any wildlife live here? Where do you think this is? ...