Big Bag


  • Where is Santa?
  • What has happened?
  • Can he move? How?
  • Why does he have his eyes closed and a smile on his face?
  • What is inside Santa’s sack? Why is it so full?
  • Help Santa! He’s got too many gifts for his old sack. Design a new one for him – what special features will you include?
  • Write to Santa… What do you want for Christmas?/What do you think the world needs for Christmas?/What would you like to say ‘thank you’ for?
  • Write a Christmas story for other children. Which age group are you writing for? Are you writing a story with a moral? A funny story? Why is Santa’s sack so full? What happened when Santa got stuck?

Credit: Franco Matticchio
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  • Jeff
    Posted at 00:19h, 08 February Reply

    Very funny!

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