Retro City


  • What does the prefix ‘retro-‘ mean? Can you think of other words containing it? Why do you think this picture is called ‘Retro City’?
  • How would you describe the buildings? Use the Zone of Relevance resources – click here to download.
    • Which of these words/phrases best describe the setting? Place the cards onto the target board, with the most relevant at the centre. Explain your choices.
    • Do you think all of these words and phrases are ‘powerful’? What do people mean when they say ‘use powerful words/description’? We need to make sure that the language we choose is accurate and has an effect on the reader – how do we want them to feel about this setting? e.g. What is the difference between ‘towering’ and ‘intimidating’?
  • What are these buildings used for?
  • Who might you find inside the buildings?
  • What do you notice about the modes of transport in this city? Why do you think this is?
  • When do you think this is? Why?

Credit: Alejandro Burdisio/Burda

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