

  • What names would you give to these creatures?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they eat?
  • What kind of personality might they have?
  • Can you keep any of them as pets?
  • Are they dangerous?
  • Which is your favourite? Why?


  • Create an information page about a creature of your choice. What sections will you include?
  • Try ‘Slow Writing’ as a starting point. Download prompts and examples here (pitched at Year 5/6 level).
  • Slow writing prompts – include the following in each of your sentences:
    1. Include a relative clause
    2. Include ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘for’ or ‘due to’
    3. Begin with a conjunction (e.g. despite, although, though)
    4. Include a generaliser (e.g. most, some, all, many, few)
    5. Include parenthesis (extra information marked with brackets, dashes or commas)
  • Slow writing example paragraphs:
    • The Flumpf, a drain-dwelling creature, is often overlooked and underappreciated. Its fur is matted and greasy since it resides in sewers. Despite its repugnant stench, the Flumpf makes a loyal and loving pet – you may even find yourself wanting to cuddle up to it! Many Flumpfs sadly remain untamed. It is worth asking your water company to check your drains (it takes a trained professional to safely lift the manhole covers).
    • The Poogle can be deceptively cute until it opens its mouth, which is full of large, dagger-like teeth. Most will only eat meat since greenery can have unpleasant side effects. Though generally sweet-natured, the Poogle’s character can drastically change if given the wrong food. Most vegetables will have even the most docile of Poogles tearing at the furniture and terrorising small children. As a result, all Poogle purchases come complete with a starter pack of meats (enough to last a fortnight) and a list of foods to avoid.


Credit: Bibo Bergeron

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