Show the image without sharing the title first.
- Where is this? What else is in this setting that you can’t see?
- Which genre does this setting suit? Why?
- What are the boys doing?
- Why are their expressions so different?
- What can they see/hear/feel?
- Whose house is it?
- Why do you think Tyler Carter painted the moon so big? Why did he paint from this perspective?
Share the title.
- Did you think that the boys were ghost hunting? Why do you think they are? What equipment might they have in their boat?
- What do you think they are looking at?
- What do you think is going to happen?
- Write a paragraph or two about this scene. You can use the following techniques, but be careful not to over-use any one of them:
- Short sentences to build the tension
- Simile or metaphor
- Description appealing to senses
- Ellipsis
- Include something unknown/hidden
- Powerful verbs
Credit: Tyler Carter
Posted at 10:31h, 18 MarchToday I went on an adventure. I came across a super creepy house. I paddled towards it. As I got closer and closer I heard … BANG! Was it a firework? I turned around, there was nothing there behind me, so I turned back around to face the house and an old wrinkled hand shot up at one of the windows! I turned around once more to double check that nothing was there, but who knows, anything could be lurking behind one of those trees waiting for the right moment to jump at me. What could happen next? Could this be my worst nightmare…
Posted at 20:10h, 18 MarchI feel very tense reading this, Lily. The old wrinkled hand made me jump! I definitely want to know more… I think!
Posted at 15:36h, 19 MarchI woke up. My heart pounding. My hands shaking. I could hear strange conversations coming from the roof. I ran. I ran to the one place were I was sure I was safe. My granny’s house in the middle of a creek, in the middle of a dark forest. I was sure I was safe but then I thought why would I be safe in the middle of a DARK forest. But still I carried on, I didn’t want to get caught. Finally I edged towards the bank of the creek, clambered into the boat my ganny uses to get to her house and paddled.paddled as fast as I could. A branch cracked. I clutched the paddles and slightly turned my head to see what it was. There was nothing there. I felt sick with worry that the Broken branch was not what I should of been scared of…
Posted at 17:13h, 19 MarchI wonder what it was that he SHOULD have been scared of…
A tense piece of writing, Emmie! 👍
Holly Garner
Posted at 20:23h, 20 MarchThe moon was shining bright.Me and my older brother Jake were in our boat on the lake in our garden when we noticed us getting further and further away. We saw an oncoming waterfall we were drifting away from home. SPLASH!!!! We were unconscious. When we woke up we figured we were miles away from home. Where where we? I heard rustling coming from the forest. I sensed that something wasn’t right. All of a sudden I saw Jake pulled under the water by something red… That was it, it was just me or so I thought, there were shadows flying above my head towards a spooky old mansion, I tried to row as fast as I could but I wasn’t moving, there it was staring me in the face, what was this thing? It swooped down picked me up and flew me to the mansion. Everything went black.Will i survive?Will i get out of here alive?Time will tell…
Posted at 10:32h, 27 MarchI LOVE GHOSTS
Posted at 13:06h, 28 MarchI woke up. My hands were shaking. I heard howling. The bushes rumbled. Red, glaring eyes stared at me from the woods. Bats` wings were flapping, owls hooted from the distance. It was dark, very dark. The silver moon was brighter than the lightest torch. Strong, cold wind ruffled my hair…I did not dare to turn around. Something was there… I knew we were not alone. My heart started pounding faster and faster… Is this my worst nightmare?
Posted at 13:07h, 29 MarchHello,my name is …and to your going to experience a journey of your life time. It all started when i was 8 years old , me and my friend decided to take a trip down to the daunting,spooky and most terrifying place we had ever been. There was all sorts of things in there,but I won’t tell you or you’ll get the curse to. Please don’t go there I’m telling you don’t do it, if you go there you’ll be making the worst decision you’ve ever made in your life.
Anonymous User( lol xD)
Posted at 15:41h, 28 AprilThis is my homework task at school! I have to write a story using this image for inspiration. Also, I have to use: character development, an interesting plot and a suitable ending. Plus, obviously, I have to use the writing techniques that you have listed above.
This is going to be FUN!!!!!