Learning to Fly


  • What’s happening here?
  • Why are the birds carrying the tree?
  • Where did the tree come from?
  • Where are they taking it? How long will it take? Will they stop on the way? What will happen when they get there?
  • Is there anything living in the tree? [link to ‘Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm’]
  • Why might a tree need moving? [link to deforestation – e.g. ‘Trees‘]
  • Why is the picture called ‘Learning to Fly’?
  • How did the birds attach themselves to the tree? Did someone help them?
  • Comparison: Compare this image with James and the Giant Peach [image] and the film ‘Up’ [image]. What’s similar and what’s different?
  • Writing: Write a newspaper article based on this photograph. What headline would you give it? Can you include quotes from witnesses?
  • PSHE: How many of the birds are needed to keep the tree in the air? Does one bird make a difference? What if every bird thought, ‘I don’t make a difference‘? What is the moral behind the picture? Do you know of any stories, pictures, quotes or films that give the same message? Turn this photograph into a motivational poster.

Credit: Adrian Borda

  • ruthkeys
    Posted at 05:18h, 23 November Reply

    Wonderful a flying tree or a tree being stolen? Such a lovely image 🙂

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