- Vocabulary activity – Zone of Relevance (click to download).
- [The vocabulary cards will need to be cut up (or, if the zone of relevance target board is laminated, children could write them onto it using whiteboard pens). I normally have them do this activity in pairs.]
- Which words best describe this character? Place the vocabulary cards on the target board, with the most relevant ones (two or three) at the centre and the least relevant in the outer circle. Explain why you’ve placed the words in this way.
- Who is this?
- What kind of character is he?
- How do you think he speaks? Demonstrate his voice. Why did you do it like that?
- Do you think this character is wealthy or poor? Why?
- What is his job?
- What is an orator?
- Would you trust him?
- Where is he? Why is he there?
Credit: Chris Dunn
Posted at 02:01h, 06 JuneHello,
We really enjoyed talking about this image. The questions made us think a lot and lead to a deep discussion. We realised that humans have a lot of unconscious bias thoughts based on stereotypes. We couldn’t decide if we trusted the character or not. Most of us agreed that he was untrustworthy due to his appearance, assumed personality and the setting.
-A Year 6 class from Australia