
  What do you think a concierge is? Make a prediction, then check using a dictionary. Were you right? What clues did you use? Is this man real? Why does he have keyholes for eyes? What might he represent? Is he a good or bad...

  What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? [See think wonder] How could you describe this setting? Consider the following: What materials can you see? The texture of each brick The carvings, shapes and patterns The level of cleanliness and...

  Where does the door lead? What's on the other side? Can anyone go through the door? How many people know that it's here? How is the ladder supported? Why are there so many boats here? How long have they been here for? Why are...

  Spelling link: Explore the prefix 'im-'. How many words can you think of/find in a dictionary beginning with 'im-'? What do you think the prefix means? Grammar link: Prepositions. Write a sentence containing each of the prepositions: on through beneath along behind above Why...