- What do you think a concierge is? Make a prediction, then check using a dictionary. Were you right? What clues did you use?
- Is this man real?
- Why does he have keyholes for eyes?
- What might he represent?
- Is he a good or bad character?
- Why are all of his keys different shapes and sizes?
- Why is he holding one key? What is it for? What does it unlock?
- Why are keys interesting objects to include in stories? Can you think of any stories that include a key?
- Use this selection of images about keys to inspire a story:
Credit: Andrew Ferez
Website – not all images suitable for children
Posted at 21:24h, 26 Novemberthats a nice pic
Posted at 23:01h, 05 DecemberCreepy.Makes a goood adventure story,too!
Posted at 22:07h, 17 DecemberCreepy and really cool