
What is happening here? Why? How does the red monster feel about the wind? How does the mouse-like monster feel about it? What do you think is going to happen next? Science link: Forces (e.g. label the forces acting upon the red monster; how...

  Before showing the picture: Share the title: 'Village'. Ask children to draw what they imagine this picture to look like, with as much detail as possible. Show the picture: How is yours similar/different? What is surprising? What do you wonder? Whose picture was the closest (if...

  What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? Organise your thoughts here: See think wonder. What is unusual about the sky? Why are there fish there? How are they there? What are they doing? Where are they going? Who are the...

  Describe this setting. Consider the sights, sounds and smells. Try to choose language that best reflects the picture. Challenge: Write a paragraph describing the setting, imagining that you are gradually zooming in on the smaller details. Where do you think this is? What is...

  Who is climbing the tree? Why? Why is there a tree in the ocean? How do you know that it's an ocean? Will the person ever be able to get down? Who is on the boat in the distance? Write a poem titled 'The...

What is happening to the house? How did it get here? Is there anyone inside it? What will happen if it gets sucked into the vortex? Why are the birds flying near the house? Compare this image to There's No Place Like Home. What's similar...

  What is the woman doing? Why? Why is the needle so big? What does the white fabric represent? How did the trees lose their leaves and gather snow on their branches? What are the differences between autumn and winter? Why has Erik Johansson represented...