
  What can you see? What do you think has happened/is happening/will happen? What do you wonder? See think wonder Where did the house come from? How do you think it got here? (Which direction did it come from? How fast was it travelling?) Why is...

  What can you see inside the bottle? What is that place? Is it a miniature village inside an ordinary-sized bottle, or an ordinary-sized village inside a giant bottle? Has it always been inside the bottle? Does anyone live there? Can they feel the waves...

  What can you see here? What is usual/unusual about this photograph? Is the object 3D/spherical or 2D/circular? What material is it made from? How would you describe it? (Maths & Science link) How did it get here? Where did it come from? Is anyone...

  Share the title without showing the picture. Ask children to draw what they imagine this picture to look like. Then show them this photograph. What's similar/different? What did you expect? What's surprising? Why is this picture called 'Leaving Home'? Whose home is this? Who...

  What happened to the land? How did it happen? Did someone decide to break that part of land away from the rest? How do the owners feel? What is on the other pieces of land in the distance? How do they stay in the air? Are...

  What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? Organise your thoughts here: See think wonder. What is unusual about the sky? Why are there fish there? How are they there? What are they doing? Where are they going? Who are the...

  Where did the guitar come from? Who put it there? Who does it belong to? Is this electric guitar playing music? Can it? Are the birds flying away from or towards the guitar? What is the man doing? What's he holding? (A plectrum.) Why...

  Where do the two doors lead? Are they in the same house? What is the man doing? Is he awake? Why is he carrying a glass? Why is there a lamp on the grass? Where do you go when you dream? Draw, paint or...

  What is the woman doing? Why? Why is the needle so big? What does the white fabric represent? How did the trees lose their leaves and gather snow on their branches? What are the differences between autumn and winter? Why has Erik Johansson represented...