
  Before sharing the picture or the title: What do you imagine a vampire to look like? Draw it. What do you imagine a friendly vampire to look like? Draw it. Compare the two drawings. Can a vampire be friendly? Share the image and title. How do...

  What is this person doing? How old are they? What are they carrying in their sack? Where did he/she come from? Where is he/she going? Did they just discover how to make bubble planets or have they been doing this for a long time? ...

Who are the people on the boat? What is the large creature behind the boat? Can they see it? What do they think it is? How will they react? What do you think is going to happen next? Write the story beginning at this...

  What are the creatures on the boat doing? Why are they all wearing the same thing? Why is one standing up and pointing? Where did they come from? Who is/was on the sinking boat? What happened to that boat? Is the storm moving towards...

  First, share the title without showing the image. Ask children to draw what they imagine the picture to be. Allow them to present their ideas and explain their choices.   Show the picture with the title: Why is this picture called 'Everybody is Watching Soccer'? Who uses...

  What can you see? What do you think is going on here? Is the man alive? Is he appearing or disappearing? Where is he coming from? Why are there clothes on the floor? Is anyone else around? How might they react? What would you...

Who is this man? Is he a good or bad character? Explain your opinion and support it with evidence. What is he doing? Why did he stop here? Why does he have a sword? Does he know how to fight? Was the tree already...

  Who is the boy in the foreground? What do you know about him? What can you infer? What does his expression tell you? Is something wrong with his face? Is he hiding? Why? What can you see behind him? Is it the ghost of...

  Who is this man? Where did he come from? Is he the only man made of stars? How do you know? [Use of 'the' not 'a' - link to work on determiners - specific vs. general.] What is he wearing? Why do you think...

  First, share the title without showing the image. Ask children to draw/say what they imagine the picture to be. Share the picture. What is expected/unexpected? Compare this picture to your drawing. What's similar/different? Why is this picture called 'Take Your Dog for a Walk'? Who...