03 Jul The Man Made of Stars
Who is this man? Where did he come from? Is he the only man made of stars? How do you know? [Use of 'the' not 'a' - link to work on determiners - specific vs. general.] What is he wearing? Why do you think...
Who is this man? Where did he come from? Is he the only man made of stars? How do you know? [Use of 'the' not 'a' - link to work on determiners - specific vs. general.] What is he wearing? Why do you think...
What makes this setting special? What would it sound like in this setting? Create a soundscape to match the picture. What do you notice about the colours that Aaron Becker chose to use? What do you think the boy, girl and bird are reading? ...
What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? Organise your thoughts here: See think wonder. What is unusual about the sky? Why are there fish there? How are they there? What are they doing? Where are they going? Who are the...
How would you describe this setting? How would you describe the lights? Choose 3 words or phrases that best describe the setting. What are the children doing? What is the cat doing? Why are they here? Is anyone else with them? Where do you...
What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? Record your ideas here: See think wonder. Example literal questions: What is the boy carrying? What are the children sitting in? What is the man carrying on his belt? Example inferential questions: Why...