
  “Look up,” said the stars, “and all your dreams will reveal themselves.”   This image and sentence could be used as a standalone prompt - let children lead a discussion, generate their own questions, or write freely and creatively.   What can you see? What makes this...

  First, show the image without showing the title. Share first impressions/ideas: What can you see? What is happening here? Where did the whale come from? What is the boy doing? Tell a short story about a flying whale and a boy.   Share the title and zoom...

  Describe this setting. How could you describe the trees? The vines? The light and shadows? What time of day is it? Why is Tarzan riding on the back of an ape? Can Tarzan trust the ape? Can the ape trust Tarzan? Where are they...

  What is the 'thing' under the bridge? Where did it come from? Has it always been there? Why did the boy ride his bike here? Do you think he's going to get caught? Why are there lots of milk cartons with pictures of missing...

  What is the boy doing? Why? Why hasn't he gone inside the shop? Will he? Do you think he's a good or bad character? What do you know for certain about him? What can you infer? Imagine that the shopkeeper sees him at the...

  Why is this picture called 'Best Friends'? Does the dragon belong to the boy, or does the boy belong to the dragon? Who lives in the house? Where does the dragon live? How did they become friends? Tell their story. Book link: The Dragon...

  Describe this island. Add your vocabulary ideas to the vocabulary builder. Where is this place? Does anyone live here? What kinds of plants and animals grow/live here? What is the boy doing? Why is he on his hands and knees? Has he been here...

What kind of character is Charlie? Describe him using only 3 words. What do you know for certain about Charlie? What can you infer? What is the golden ticket for? How does Charlie feel about it? If you were to find a golden ticket,...

  Who is the boy in the foreground? What do you know about him? What can you infer? What does his expression tell you? Is something wrong with his face? Is he hiding? Why? What can you see behind him? Is it the ghost of...

  What is happening here? How are the panda and the child managing to fly? Why is the panda dropping envelopes? What is inside? How does Panda Post work? Write an explanation of it. Tell the story of Panda Post only through a collection of...