What can you see? Who is the woman? Why is she holding an umbrella and a bag? Where did she come from? Where is she going? How can she survive here? What might she be thinking at this moment? If you could ask her...
What can you see? Who is the woman? Why is she holding an umbrella and a bag? Where did she come from? Where is she going? How can she survive here? What might she be thinking at this moment? If you could ask her...
Who is this woman? What do her clothes tell you about her? What is she doing? What are the lights? Have you ever seen anything like this? Is this real or fantasy? Why is she doing this? Why at night time? Is anyone else...
What do you think is happening here? Why is the title 'Dream Big'? Is the girl touching the stars? Did she draw the constellation? Is the animal beside her a dog? A wolf? Something else? Why does it have trailing lines? Is it real?...
“Look up,” said the stars, “and all your dreams will reveal themselves.” This image and sentence could be used as a standalone prompt - let children lead a discussion, generate their own questions, or write freely and creatively. What can you see? What makes this...
What can you see in this picture? What do you think is happening here? What might the dinosaurs be thinking at this moment? When were dinosaurs around? Why did they die out? Research the different species of dinosaur. Which is your favourite/least favourite? Which...
Who are the people on the ladder? Are they climbing to or from the moon? What is at the other end of the ladder? What's inside the moon? Tell this story. Credit: Goro Fujita http://chapter-56.blogspot.co.uk...
How does this picture make you feel? Why do you think this is? What is the person doing? How are they feeling? What does the title mean? Do you ever take time to 'just be'? How does that feel? Is it important to make...
What happened to the land? How did it happen? Did someone decide to break that part of land away from the rest? How do the owners feel? What is on the other pieces of land in the distance? How do they stay in the air? Are...
What can you see? What do you think? What do you wonder? Organise your thoughts here: See think wonder. What is unusual about the sky? Why are there fish there? How are they there? What are they doing? Where are they going? Who are the...
How do the colours in this photograph make you feel? Use the Zone of Revelance to sort your feelings. What type of flower can you see? What time of day is it? Why are most of the sunflowers facing this way? Describe the sunflowers...